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About  Us

Something Special is a locally owned family business in Agnes Water. With over 15 years experience co-ordinating events. We take pride in planning the prefect celebration to create lasting memories for you, your families, and your friends.

We understand that money budgeted for parties and celebartions is not always easy to come by after co-ordinationing several community events with absolutely nothing in the coffers to cover the cost. There is no reason you can't have a wedding or party with all the finest details covered on a very tight budget. It is acheivable and we can help you make it happen! Our staff are proffessional and friendly and will bend over backwoods to ensure your event is a success. Even if it means dressing up as a gorilla and singing happy birthday in front of a bunch of noisy kids or uptight relatives. Our styling techique is totally unique as we like   our events mirror the personality of the individual the event is celebrating. We have an enormous amount of decorations available to us ( the largset seletion in the Discovery Coast area) so that makes our job easy. Each event is individually styled to suit your needs and your budget requirements and we offer a money back guarantee on any aspect of setup that is not up to par with all the other more expensive wedding planning services in our area. If you want something special to make your day perfect without all the stress and the budget blowout usually involved we are the perfect business to make it happen.


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